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Supporting and empowering unpaid Carers in Shetland to manage their caring role and have a life alongside caring

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If you look after someone, who looks after you?

In the UK there are six and a half million people who care unpaid for an ill, frail or disabled family member or friend. These people are called carers.

They help with personal things like getting someone dressed, turning them in their sleep, helping them to the toilet, helping them move about or administering their medication. Carers also help with things like shopping, laundry, cleaning, cooking, filling in forms or managing money.


Q1: Do you provide unpaid care for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without your support?

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Latest News

Alzheimer Scotland, Shetland Activities - May 2024

Alzheimer Scotland, Shetland offer a range of support and activities for people with dementia, their partners, families and friends to help maintain abilities, social activities, relationships and community connections.continue reading

The Neurological Alliance of Scotland

The Neurological Alliance of Scotland have unveiled their latest comprehensive resource; 'Information for Unpaid Carers and Professionals' - an interactive guide aiming to provide vital support for unpaid carers of individuals with neurological conditions.continue reading

Upcoming meetings & Events

Adult Carers Support Group

Are you an unpaid Adult Carer? Come along to our supported group session to find out about Shetland Carers and what we can do for you.continue reading

Latest posts from Shetland Carers
Key information
Voluntary Action Shetland

Market House
14 Market Street

Our Funders

Shetland Charitable Trust
Carers Trust
Shared Care Scotland - Short Breaks Fund

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